Cyril was in a hurry. He stormed through Europe with 225 km per hour, struck on 18 and 19 January, a swath of destruction. The weathermen had geunkt so dire that sturmfrei was proclaimed in schools, factories, offices, shops and train stations: Everyone should have the chance to escape to safety. In fact, the storm killed 46 people -12 in Germany.
The General Association of the German insurance industry adjusts to the losses of two billion euros. Cyril blew politicians, skeptics and procrastinators, the harsh truth in the face: high time to save energy, reduce the emission of pollutants, conserving resources. There will be more and more hurricanes, hot summer, rainy winter. Because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere heats the greenhouse effect to -because of climate change. Cause we are: Every resident of Germany in debt annually ten tons of carbon dioxide -one quarter of which result from heating and water heating. Climate experts call for a global average of more than three tons, so that the climate catastrophe can be averted.
What can I do?
Saving energy wherever it goes -that's the key to climate protection. , Every little savings campaign helps: Dispensing bulb, screw-energy bulb. Switch off appliances properly. Buy a more fuel-efficient appliances. Saving fuel. The thickest chunks can make it: especially energy-saving construction and renovation. For this act has for decades.
How do I do that?
The more consistent the following ten construction bids are observed, the more economical the house:
- A compact shape of a house pays much less living space hot outer surface: relatively little heat loss.
- Align building to the sun, collecting glass with solar power.
- Good dams -the more the better.
- Prevent heat from escaping -for example, roller shutter boxes do not build walls: rearranged.
- Build buildings as airtight.
- Modern heating, automatically controlled.
- The warm water efficiently, use the solar heat.
- Automatic facelift to recycle stale air heat.
- Save electricity with smart pumps and household appliances such as banks, savings lamps.
- Energy-saving technologies in housing also use and operate properly.
How big is my saving potential?
If one converts the amount of heating energy (kWh) per square meter (m2) and year (a) is necessary, can be compared. The unit: kWh / m 2. Take a look at the graph: old buildings squander 270 kWh / m = a. That does not tell you much? 10 kWh is equivalent to 1 liter of heating oil or 1 cubic meter of gas, or 2 kilograms of wood pellets. So are unrenovated buildings typically 27-liter boozer. The 1982 regulation lowered the heat to 220 kWh / m'a which WSVO 1994 to 120, the energy-saving regulations EnEV becomes 95 Low energy houses are around one third lower at 70; passive at 15 kWh/m2a.AuchAltbauten can insulate to passive level down.
Can I do without heating?
Savings pioneers have already built zero-energy houses. Even plus-energy houses -a settlement is in Freiburg
... and the house grows in value
High performance houses like this energy and passive houses are extremely well insulated. The sticking points: heat loss through the air, energy requirements for the boilers.
How much should I lift?
All two hours should be completely rebuilt the air. In exactly the correct
quantity to make the ventilation systems. Remove the stale air 80% of the
heat load and control the temperature so that the fresh air.
How much hot water?
The amount of hot water depends on the number of residents, their bathtubs and shower habits, not by the building standard. Does the building less energy for heating, hot water is the energy
requirement for the growing proportion (in weight chart on the right). There's only one thing: solar collectors with tap to hoard the heat-loss.
As my house is super?
Zero-energy buildings require no additional heat, cover the residual heat generated by heat in the house -of people, equipment, solar radiation. Ventilation system with heat recycling and collectors required. At plus-energy buildings, the energy balance at the end the better through
renewable energy, mainly solar power.